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Next Update: Monday, May 2nd

~*No kiddin?*~

Yo homies, (^_~) I updated for the first time in TWO MONTHS! I hope y'all like the new page! I certainly like it! Especially the little magic casting image. Oooh, all the pretty colours! Hopefully I'll get back to 'regular' schedule soon. I have exams in May, but after that, I'm more or less free!! That means lots of time to draw and colour!

Also, if there are any roleplayers amongst you readers, you can find me in World of Warcraft now. Since I live in Amsterdam, I'm on the European server - Earth Ring. Drop me an e-mail with your character's name, at llyriel_soi @ hotmail dot com. I'll whisper if I'm online. ^_~



Yeah yeah, I never update. I've kinda given up on myself. But don't worry, I haven't given up on the comic. I'm just... still slow on the updates. Sometimes I'm better, sometimes I'm worse. The newest page, by the way, isn't as good as I had hoped it would be. I'm sorry, but I've been a slacker on the colouring. The first three thingies took ages... then I kinda rushed through the others.

On the bright side of everything, I've befriended Brion Foulke, the creator of Flipside. Go check his comic out, it's my very very favourite!! I loved the comic even before I loved Brion, so don't think I'm biased! Okay, maybe I'm a little biased now, but I certainly loved it waaay more than all the others before. So go go go!


~*Spank Me!*~

Sorry, late again! Spank me for punishment. I've been a bad girl! So, yeah. I hope that one day later isn't that much of a problem for you. Just two more pages, and prologue is done and thrown away! Meh, yeah, I hate it! I suck as a storyteller in this one. I had a slow start, since I didn't really know what I was doing at first. You may have noticed by the crappiness of the pictures. Besides drawing, I didn't know anything about comics, let alone storyboards.

Yeah, I keep complaining about the prologue. Sorry. I hope I'll won't start complaining about chapter one! I don't think so. Anyway, don't have much to tell. Blessings!


~*Merry New Year!*~

Sorry everyone! My computer crashed just before christmas, and I lost the page I had worked on. Thank goodness for backups - or I would've lost much much more. Meh, sucky.

Anyway, here's another page for you to enjoy. It's not as good as I could have made it, but then it would probably have taken a couple more days and the whole update scedule I set up would be messed up and stuff. Prologue's moving a bit slow, and I dislike it as a whole for the messy confusion. I'm glad that I learned what I had to learn from it, and Chapter One will be much much better - I promise!

Happy New Year everybody! Next year I will try harder! Much harder!



Finally, another update! And wooo... I'm getting the hang of it again. I will try to update every two weeks the coming time. That way the prologue will be finished in Febuary! Yay!

Boy, oh boy. Have you ever seen anything this funny? Check out the keenspace forums - in General Discussion an amusing game is going on! A war for keenspace, and the best artist submitted their work! Be on time! Don't miss it!


~*I suck no more!*~

It took me 3 months, but I have finally updated! I suppose I'm happier than any of my readers since most people are probably disappointed. And rightly so! I hate myself for not updating! I don't even know why it took so long. Anyway...

I'm going to start drawing the next page sometime soon. This weekend I'll be too busy to start but surely I'll have the drawings done by the end of next week. Then there's only colouring left. Take out another week for colouring, and hopefully I'll have another page to update with. I just really want the prologue over and done with. I can't wait until it's over and done with to be honest. I want the story to finally start!

Oh well. Just another 5 pages. If I do one page every two weeks, it'll only take me ten weeks to finish. TEN WEEKS?! That's 2 and a half months! How do other comic makers manage it? I have absolutely no idea. I need at least 16 hours to finish one page. That's two days worth of work! And I go to school too you know. I have a social life and all that. God, I honestly, really, have no idea how others manage. But Gods, I know I want to know their secret!


~*I suck*~

Planned on October 10th? It's November now! Still no update. But don't worry. I suck but I am not quitting. I'm working on the next page still. And I only have 5 pictures to colour left. Which means I'm more or less 50% done. I hope to update this month, but it might turn out slightly different. Won't promise anything, but will try. Meanwhile, make me happy with a cookie!

Or in other words, send me a virtual cookie through e-mail. My addy is llyriel_soi at hotmail.*com Remove and add the needed. ;) My traffic has increased since altargirl and brokenglass have linked to me through their fanart section. And while I'm very happy that they did, it does make me feel bad about not updating. How can I get traffic from two such wonderful comics without living up to the expectation that a comic gets updated every now and then?

Another reason for me to suck is that I missed a mini celebration of having had this comic for a year in October. I should've added some cute little thingie, but I didn't. Oh well. I have barely managed to update on a once a month average, so... bleh.


College of Magic is copyrighted by Llyriel Kasyanova. No stealing, please!
College of Magic is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.